Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Looking Ahead

I have been stretched pretty thin this year so far with things going on in my personal life, trying to improve my home, and with work especially. I don't really feel like I've had many opportunities this year to just relax, or take time to myself, and I always feel tired, which in turn makes me just want to be lazy when I have down time. I've been consciously trying to change gears these last couple of weeks until I hit a bump in the road with my work schedule and now I'm off track, but looking ahead towards just what the doctor ordered, a 2 week vacation. Yes, off to cooler weather, the ocean, beautiful scenery, and good food, all the ingredients needed to take me away from my current state of mind, a turning point in the year where I can come back with a new outlook on things, and a better attitude.

As the days slowly grind by, all I can think of is waking up at 4 am on my Saturday (a day of which I ritualistically sleep in), and hitting the road for 2 days of driving. Most people detest the "travel" portion of their vacations and only covet the destination, but for me, it's all or nothing. I love the open road, the thrill of what you may see, or who you may meet along the way. In a way, getting there is like its own little adventure, where at the end you find the treasure that is your vacation destination. I usually take that time on the road to just let go of everything in my life so that when I get to where I'm going it's like starting a new life with no strings attached, no stress, and no mental baggage. This weekend cannot come any sooner.

So far I have zero readers, but if there are any while I'm out, I will be back with more soon. Never the less, zero readers is fine with me, this blog is like my minds Fortress of Solitude. I can come here anytime and unload all the things going on in there, clear my thoughts. Before I never quite understood what the buzz about blogging, but now that I have discovered it, I find it relaxing. In the words of Edward Norton in one of the all time greatest movies in my opinion, Fight Club, "I'm addicted, babies don't sleep this good."


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