Friday, February 23, 2007

"A copy of a copy of a copy..."

Something I can relate to, Chuck Palahniuk's words describing his characters insomnia in his book Fight Club. It's something that I relate to down to my core at the moment. For the past year or so, I have been struggling to sleep, and it's only gotten worse in the last two or three weeks.
My shitty work schedule doesn't help, 3:45am get up.4am to the bus. Uncomfortable, bumpy sleep on the noisy bus, stale with the breath of 20 strangers from 4:45-6am. Work 6:30am-4:30pm. More uncomfortable napping until 6pm. Home. Shower. Eat. Sit. Try to sleep around 9pm if I'm lucky. Toss until after midnight sometime. 3 hours of sleep. Repeat cycle.
Go like this for a couple of weeks and you start to feel like you are falling apart at the seams. You are cognitive of your surroundings, but at the same time it's like your in a little invisible cocoon, sounds are muffled people and objects seem distant. I have found that sleep pills, anything labeled "pm" on the bottle only provides half-ass relief. I need to find something to center me, some thing I can do, some kind of release, this, when I find it will be my only salvation for sleep. I need this, I want it, but I have no idea what in the hell it is.
Until I find it, I leave you, with my bloodshot, darkened eyes sinking into my skull. I am tired, worn, and breaking. I am in search of salvation from this uncontrollable terror, wish me luck.


Blogger j:osh said...

how did this slip past me??

good to see you blogging again!

and where the hell have you been lately?

10:25 PM  
Blogger Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

Just browsing the internet, Interesting website.

4:20 PM  

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