Friday, August 25, 2006

Moments of Clarity

I just recently got back from vacation, and was not ready to come home (who ever is though). But honestly, if I had my way I would have never came back. I didn't go anywhere exotic, foreign, or touristy, just a normal place where people lead normal lives. It is a place I see myself in when I close my eyes, and not just because it's different, but because when I am there everything feels right. The trip in itself was like a moment of clarity. I realized that even if I don't end up there, I need to change a lot of things here, that I need to start taking actions to take my life into my own hands rather than to let life roll me where pleases and just being satisfied with that. I'm not happy that way. It won't be easy, but then again what ever is? Sometimes you just need to get the hell away and readjust your focus to be able to see the big picture.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Looking Ahead

I have been stretched pretty thin this year so far with things going on in my personal life, trying to improve my home, and with work especially. I don't really feel like I've had many opportunities this year to just relax, or take time to myself, and I always feel tired, which in turn makes me just want to be lazy when I have down time. I've been consciously trying to change gears these last couple of weeks until I hit a bump in the road with my work schedule and now I'm off track, but looking ahead towards just what the doctor ordered, a 2 week vacation. Yes, off to cooler weather, the ocean, beautiful scenery, and good food, all the ingredients needed to take me away from my current state of mind, a turning point in the year where I can come back with a new outlook on things, and a better attitude.

As the days slowly grind by, all I can think of is waking up at 4 am on my Saturday (a day of which I ritualistically sleep in), and hitting the road for 2 days of driving. Most people detest the "travel" portion of their vacations and only covet the destination, but for me, it's all or nothing. I love the open road, the thrill of what you may see, or who you may meet along the way. In a way, getting there is like its own little adventure, where at the end you find the treasure that is your vacation destination. I usually take that time on the road to just let go of everything in my life so that when I get to where I'm going it's like starting a new life with no strings attached, no stress, and no mental baggage. This weekend cannot come any sooner.

So far I have zero readers, but if there are any while I'm out, I will be back with more soon. Never the less, zero readers is fine with me, this blog is like my minds Fortress of Solitude. I can come here anytime and unload all the things going on in there, clear my thoughts. Before I never quite understood what the buzz about blogging, but now that I have discovered it, I find it relaxing. In the words of Edward Norton in one of the all time greatest movies in my opinion, Fight Club, "I'm addicted, babies don't sleep this good."