Thursday, April 30, 2009


I feel I have them in me, words, thoughts, things I want to express. They are swirling about within my heart and soul in anticipation of escape, yet I can't find a way to let them out. I have spent so long now trying to be someone else for someone else that I have lost my way, I have built my own little version of the Berlin Wall within my soul to inhibit the expression of all that is me just not to tip the scales, but now that the wrath of that influence no longer poses a threat, I find I am still blocked. My fingers do not flow over the keyboard like I want them to, my brain does not convert what I am feeling inside into thought that I can express. I am mentally and emotionally constipated. The wall inside is so large and formidable I do not know where to start picking away at it. It will come though, and hopefully soon, I feel liberation on the horizon.


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